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nineteen. 0_o so soon?!

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Reunion ♥

Sunday night was a celebration for Maggie's birthday and QQ's very belated birthday. I'm sorry it had to be so late dude, but it's your fault for being born at such an inconvenient time. Lol. Anyways, it seemed more like a reunion to me, after a long period of studying and exams, not together but separately in our own schools and faculties. I miss the times we walked together to the various classrooms in between classes. I miss the times we had to endure disgusting canteen food. I miss the times we bought food together and took greasy cutlery for each other and shoving leftovers to Michael or simply played with them. I miss the times rotting at the side-gate while waiting for the gates to open. I even miss our Tuesday Math remedials with OBS at the benches. (This is what Disha rmbs 06S04 for! Lol.)

Enough reminiscing. Lost time never turns back anyways.

Watched Angels and Demons with JH on Saturday. I love the movie. And it was very unexpected since I haven't read the book (that reminds me to get it from Maggie. I shall go sms her first.) The part where they managed to save the 4th cardinal was so touching...I know it's no biggie, but I really cheered when passers-by came to help. Hmm...and I love Ewan McGregor's accent. Haha. Is he British?

After that was going to shopping with JY for Maggie and QQ's pressies. Ended up taking our own sweet time eating at Sarpino's and chit-chatting when I realised that it was 8pm+ and we haven't gotten anything! Travelled down elsewhere and got Maggie's present and started shopping for ourselves. Le Sigh. Shopping for guys is just one of the worst chores ever. Everywhere we went to started closing till there was no more late night shopping left to do and we had to head home. Met Maggie the next day for last minute shopping for QQ and finally got his pressies. Shared a meal at the Soup Spoon with Maggie coz that bum woke up super late and had not had anything to eat. My first time at Soup Spoon! Yummy! Maggie says I shared my first time with her. Lol. I'm craving for more soup already....

Met up with Ise, Shuli, QQ, JY and Niko for dinner celebration. The soup spoilt our appetite so Maggie and I shared a steak. It was not a very pleasant experience. The steak was overdone, bread was stale and Ise and Shuli hated their pork ribs. Plus, the table we got was a tad too cozy. After a very rushed dinner, we went singing! Too bad only Maggie, QQ and I stayed all the way. But 5 hours of singing was fun, though tiring. It had been a loooong time since we went singing together. We ate our yummy birthday cake too. But I was too full to even finish my slice. What a waste...

Not much pics but here you go.

A very filling meal of pizza, garlic bread sticks, nuggets and loads of coke with JY

The birthday dudettes. QQ looks like he's about to murder someone.

Tomorrow is pooling with Maggie, Ise, Niko and possibly QQ. Woots! Can't wait! I haven't been pooling in ages! People, I wanna go swim, tan, canoe, play badminton, play basketball, go gym, have chalet, go shopping++ as well! =)) Was supposed to go play bball at Alex's previously but there was a whole bunch of unknown NUS guys invited so I didn't go for it. Sigh.

Poor Che met a flasher at Orchard Road a couple of days ago. Sigh. I told her that she could come to me for therapy if she needs to but I think she'll probably still be traumatised for life. That sick, sick scum of the earth should just pick a secluded corner, curl up and die. I hope he burns in the fury flames of hell.

I decided I should increase my limited store of general knowledge so I finally got around to do some googling. Heard of the term "first/second/etc cousin once/twice/etc removed" since Secondary school but had never got round to finding out its meaning. I finally know that Nicole, Marc, Kelly, Kellen (Spelling?) and oh-no-I-dunno-what's-the-other-kid's-name are my "first cousins once removed" not grand-cousins, as I have been calling them.

I absolutely love this beautiful shot of Kelly at one of the weddings. (I've had been attending so many) Kudos to whoever that took this. Sigh. I so want that photo of Marc eating noodles with his hands with noodles trailing all over the table. That was a very awesome shot too... Or better still, I want a SLR for myself. =))

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Faraway, to a place where tears are exhausted. ♥

I know I haven't been blogging for a long, long time. What can I say? I just tend to succumb to laziness. Oops.

Anyways, my exams are finally over. I can't believe I'm finally done with my second semester. When I go back to school after this 3-month break, I'm no longer a freshman! How time flies... Previously during Lester gor's wedding dinner, we were just talking about how we are so old already. When Deanna, the youngest cousin, gets married, she'll probably have to have an extra 2 or 3 tables just for the 4th generation alone. By the time Dee gets married, Nicole, the oldest grand-cousin, is gonna be of around my sister's age! Zomg. I feel bloody old.

Oh. And congrats to Lester gor for getting married. His military-style wedding was quite cool. I bet he forced all his men to do that sword ceremony thingamajig for him. And those poor guys...they had to wear a bra (without their shirts) and Lester gor had to wear a pair of neon green briefs when receiving the bride! In public! Goodness... Oh. And congrats to Pearline jie who is pregnant. So fast lar! Woots! Dinner had been hilarious because Terence gor (do I call him that? Feels damn weird) kept coming over and squishing his wedding fruit cake between his fingers in order to tempt us into trading our chocolates for it. Then Michael gor (?!?! Do I call a Caucasian gor? This feels even weirder) came along and tried to tempt him with his chocolates. So funny to see the cousin-in-laws fooling around together. The cousins in our table were talking about how we wanna make Terence do awful things when he has to get the bride this July. Daphne jie was warning us that he'll never get embarrassed and he'll embarrass us instead. Especially Daphne jie's mum, who would be like (clutching her head in both hands Ms-Kang-styled) "Oh no. What are the neighbours going to think?!"

Exams ended and I have a 3-month break but my friends are all so busy now! Sigh. Monday right after exams was having Swensen's with my sister. And Aishah was working that day! I didn't realise she was working at that branch and when she came to give us the menu, she said "hi friend!" and I thought she was just being a friendly waitress. Then I turned and saw her and got a shock. And the thing is, she's not even done with her exams! Lol. Tuesday was going to the driving centre with QQ to register for our basic theory test. Zomg. I can't believe I'm really gonna learn driving. I'm damn scared lar. Especially after seeing how easily Maggie gets lost all the time. Lol. Wednesday was going shopping with my sister. Whee! It's been a while since I did that with her. Bought quite a few things, except for the most important - a dress for Daphne jie's wedding! So many weddings, I've ran out of clothes to wear!! -pulls hair-

*Update: Added some photos since Maggie claims that she is a "visual person".

I made Daddy act cute in a pic with me but I shan't post that up. Spoils the image. Hahaha. I looove Mummy's new dress!

Che and I. She looks naked =X

Beauty didn't go to the wedding dinner but how can I forget to include her since I'm posting family pics?

Lester gor's military-styled wedding photo. I think it's cute.

About 1/6th of the See Family 3rd generation. Lol.

Weddings make us high!

The menu of the day. Drooling already? If you can read what it says that is.

Dessert was totally Western and odd one out of the rest of the dishes. But still yummy. Doesn't this look gooooood? There's even a piece of real gold on it. Gold taste like nothing anyways...

I finally got around to watching 1Litre of Tears. It's said to promise alot of crying and of course, it was no exception for me. From the middle of episode 2, I cried non-stop all the way to the end of the drama series. Sometimes it is merely tears rolling off, other times it's outright crying hard. I alternated between them and there was not a single dry moment. Each time my tears attempted to dry up, there would another thing to make me cry again. A simple sentence, a simple act....they were enough to make me drop tears over and over again. There were times when I simply had to pause the show to bawl my eyes out before continuing because I couldn't watch the show with a teary vision. 1 litre of tears...I'm sure the litre beaker would have overflowed with my tears. I definitely cried more than a litre.

Based on a true story, my heart really aches for Aya and her loved ones. Things that she could do became limited as time went by. I remembered when she said she was afraid of time. One day she would wake up and find out that she hasn't got enough strength in her legs to stand on her own feet anymore. Another day passes and she would realise that people don't seem to understand what she struggles to say anymore. Basic rights such as schooling is also taken away from her. She asked if she could get married...Ikeuchi Aya in the drama has got her Haruto Asou who is always there for her and loves her even when she's in that state. In reality, Kitou Aya has to struggle with Spinocerebellar Ataxis alone...only with her family. She was only 15 and she has to bear with all the pain, all the strange looks from others, hearing that her siblings having to endure teasing from others. She wants to help others when she grows up because she is always getting help from others. But there was nothing she can do. All she could do was write...write till she could no longer hold a pen, till she had to grasp the marker with both palms and scribble a thank you (or arigatou in this case) with much effort. Because of her writing, she did help many. Her words were encouragement, an inspiration to many even to this day. Aya in the drama had her classmates sending her off when they themselves did not want her in school when they see her as a burden but Aya in reality wrote that she wished they had said "Aya-chan, don't leave" instead.

Socrates claimed that human beings cannot learn anything new because what is there to be learnt is already in the soul and when we think that we are learning something new, we're merely recollecting. If this is so, why hasn't anyone recollected the cure for such a cruel disease? To have a conscious mind like anyone else out there and yet be trapped in a body that don't seem to belong to you. You can't control your own body at all, to the point of even choking on food or even choking on your own saliva. When my mum told me that Chew Chor Meng could hardly walk during the Star Awards, I wanted to cry for him as well.

Why does such beautiful people like Aya have to go through all this pain and leave the world this soon? Perhaps God wants these amazing people by his side and took them away prematurely... but it is still so unfair! So unfair that they have to go through such torture in order to show their strength and beauty. So unfair that despite being so brave, their disease still continue to progress, slowly but surely.

Thinking about the show makes me flood my laptop with tears again. I'm scared that sparks might come shooting out from between the keyboard keys. I may be 30 years too late in saying this but... Aya-chan, gambatte!

I love the songs used in the drama, especially Only Human by K. The melody is so sad and the lyrics so aptly written. And the story is so beautiful and touching. I recommend those with tears to spare to watch the drama. I'm sorry if the video contains spoilers.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Dear Mum and Dad. ♥

Today was treating mummy dearest to dinner! Went to Hotpot Culture. Yum!

Loads and loads of food!

Nothing beats having strawberries with chocolate fondue after dinner.....with bananas and banana cake and marshmallows and ice cream!

My smiley face chocolate fondue is calling out for me!


It had been a while since I last spent quality time with mummy. Shopping for lingerie (extremely cute knickers! Which I obviously shouldn't be giving too much information on) and shoes today, and had some chatting session over dinner. Even though I treated her to dinner, she probably spent so much more on me while we shopped around. She still ended up with nothing to wear on Chinese New Year's day. Though sometimes my parents really irritate the hell out of me, there are times when they are super sweet and these acts of care and concern really makes me feel guilty. A parent's love for his/her child is so great and selfless, yet their love is often not reciprocated, or under appreciated.

They tuck us into bed when we were young and covered us with a blanket when we were cold. They rush home from work and stay up all night next to us when we're running a fever. They leave the best foods for us, spend most generously on us, and slog their guts out so that they can to send us to college. Yet how many of us do actually return such favours? I wonder why a parent's love can be so unconditional. Even though I don't express it much, I love you, dear mum and dad.

When we got home, we had the urge to flip through our old photo albums that were piled up in the old abandoned cupboard to collect dust. My dad and sis joined us and we spent a good couple of hours flipping through dozens of albums and laughing at our own photos. My sis and I found out that my dad was such an ah beng (hippy, my dad says) in his younger days, and that he was actually really very shuai and had lots of hair. Lol. The four of us broke out in hysterical laughter when we chanced upon this photo where my mum had an "afro". And my sis and I realised what posers we were when we were young. We must have been instructed to pose like that. There is no way we are capable of such poses if we were not forced to do so.


I wonder what it would be like to go back to the past. Perhaps I would get a second chance at many things that I would have liked to change. For instance, my ridiculous bangs at around the age of five. I would probably be a more outgoing person if I had not been such a shy little girl. Maybe I would not lose some friends that I might not have lost if things were done right, or if I could have been as studious as I was in lower primary, I might find myself in Medicine school right now... I wish I had a time machine that can take me back in time.

Then again, I would not be where I am today and might not have gone through the experiences I had gone through nor meet the wonderful friends I have today. Perhaps I should wish that I have a time machine that can take me back in time, and return to the present in case I screw things up along the way =))

I don't know what I'm saying, to be honest. Just a random, pointless rant I guess. Philosophy has kinda left me with permanent brain damage. I get really lost midway reading Plato's dialogue between Socrates and Euthyphro, or however you spell his name, sometimes. I just hope I don't screw it up with a C grade like what SK had warned about.

Enough ranting. Have a Happy Chinese New Year everybody, regardless of where you are!

P.S I'm soooo in love with Whose Line Is It Anyway these days, so I'm gonna recommend some episodes. Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles are such ingenious people. <3!

Who cares about Smurf-coloured shoes? Ryan is still awesome. This clip shows the cast insulting each other in an episode of Hollywood directors where they act out a scene, impromtu.

2 audiences are picked to do sound effects while Colin and Ryan act out what Drew says. The 2 cute old ladies are so sporting. Lol. Watch this.

And my all time favourite game, Scenes From A Hat. Things you can say to your dog but not your girlfriend was really well done. Colin is just soooo sick in the mind, but so super funny. And he got the ball rolling for sick ideas... ingenious people to come up with all these impromtu.

Come! Ewww. Lol!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Seven Pounds of flesh ♥

So much things have happened since the last time I blogged, but I really can't be bothered to blog every precise detail. Went back to Starhub and left again. It had been an enjoyable 3 weeks. Made new friends, quarrelled with old ones but I'm glad I made up with him after that. Bowling and movie outings had been fun, ride home in Jeremy's car with Siti, Joanna, Anne and Shirley from the Cathay to Clementi then Admiralty then Toa Payoh and Chai Chee then finally to my place had been super tiring, but super high.

Did Andy Lau's concert, Fahrenheit's and now, got cheated into doing Hokkien Pop Night. All I can say is, I survived it. More importantly, I managed to tolerate the crowd today. Those aunties and uncles do the weirdest things. Especially when Jargon kinda stuck his hand into my vest pocket to pick and dump the ticket stubs for me while I was busy with tearing tickets, I wanted to just snap on the spot when a patron gave some crappy comment. Hello! It was my vest pocket, not breast pocket or pants pocket. Or worse, when patrons tear their own tickets, especially the wrong portions then expect me to throw it away for them. Wth.

Anyways, I watched Seven Pounds with JH today. I loooooove, love, love the movie. It had been extremely confusing at first because of the arty farty directing but when the truth comes to light, everything fits and makes sense. The movie is slow with little action but it allows me to get into the mood of the show and I just can't stop myself and ended up tearing up many times. The storyplot is so touching, I cried at least thrice in the last 15 minutes. JH was complaining to JY that his left sleeve was very wet. I have no idea why it is so. =X

People who haven't watched the movie and are planning to watch, you should not find out too much about the movie beforehand. I think the producer of the movie had not wanted to reveal much about the movie for good reason. Before I watched the movie, I knew absolutely nothing about it other than Will Smith being in it and it came from the producer of The Pursuit of Happyness. It may be very confusing at first but when it finally dawned on me what the show is about, I really appreciate the ambiguity in the start.

I love the title too. Out of curiosity, I went to google the meaning of the title. Taken from Shakespeare's idea in his book The Merchant of Venice, a pound of flesh is demanded for every debt one owes. I think Shakespeare is pretty warped in the mind. Anyways, I love the double meaning in the movie title because it is both metaphorical in the Shakespearian way, but also literal since Smith's character literally gave flesh (and a house) to pay his debts. Seven debts, seven pounds.

And I love Will Smith! He is so charming (and hot!) and his character in the movie is soooo sweet. His portrayal of his roles in various movies and the extent of the sacrifices his roles always make is just so touching. I love the arty fartyness of the whole movie, from its directing to the storyline and title, to the little details in the movie such as Will Smith's method of suicide and the considerate little note he wrote, the way he wants to sacrifice only for the good people etc.

All I can say is, go watch the show. I cried like, at least 7 times while watching Seven Pounds.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Ultimate slacking! ♥

Whee-ness! Now that the exams are over, I've been going out alot. Practically every single day since my last paper =)) So here's a quick update!


My first day of freedom. Played online pictionary with JY till 4am. Met up the next day for lunch. Shared a Buddy's meal with her. Yum! Seriously, she's the only person I eat chicken at KFC with in public. Lol! Then JY, Maggie and I went to sing at Katong...had been such a long time since we went to sing. I think the last time was with Maggie and QQ a couple of months back. Anyways, it had been fun! Sang loads of English songs this time...but too bad their English songs selection isn't really updated.. After that was shopping at Parkway as usual. Our favourite Isetan had a sale but we still ended up with nothing.


I went shopping for JH's birthday-cum-Christmas present with JY in town...and ended up with nothing again! Yet we shopped till our legs wanted to give way...I have no idea why we still ended up with nothing. JY has been trying to be abit more careful with the way she spends her money so, yay, I'm proud of her. After that was going to Lee Guitar's Concert with Maggie, for work. It had been purely a session of music-making for those singers/composers. I think music lovers would like the concert...I could see that the performers were really enjoying playing music with each other. The performers included the Lee guy who opened his guitar factory...then Emil Chau, Tanya Chua and MayDay (the highlight of the day). MayDay fans are a hyper bunch, that's all I can say.


I think we're just mad to go to the Sitex show on a Sunday. The place was crowded as hell and we lost each other quite a number of times. Then again, all of us ended up with great deals. Maggie's family got their ink cartridges, Maggie and JY got their external hard disks, I got JH's present and Maggie's seniors got their memory cards, so we're all happy people. Then we had to all squeeze in Maggie's dad's car. The poor car had 8 people crammed into it...and did I mention that it was a 5-seater? 6 people had to stack on top of each other at the back, and we were still laughing and joking away. After that, us threesome went to Central. There was the Zirkus Ice-skating performance thingamajig. JY couldn't tell if Matthew was there, but we enjoyed the show anyway. There was this skater from Russia who skated on stilts! So cool lar! It is already difficult to figure skate and she actually did it on stilts. I was so scared for her. But it was a really cool performance. After that was going to Manhatten the Fish Market for dinner. We shared a fisherman's giant fried seafood platter, a coke float and a tropical breeze. I thought it would be little for 3 to share but we were stuffed full. The meal is so sinful, but we've got vouchers and we're probably going there again. We're stuck in a vicious cycle! Ahhhhhhh!!

Pretty ceiling in the toilet


Pretty pink Christmas tree!

Monday was out with JY again. Lol! This time, she came over to my place and we both had our haircut at the salon downstairs. I think my new haircut is quite a big change...Then we went over to my house where we dyed each other's hair! It was quite fun doing it but sadly, I failed my first attempt. I kinda screwed it up for JY =X But anyways, she decided that extreme black was cooler so she dyed it back to black...and apparently it's not black enough so I'm doing it for her again tomorrow. I hope I wouldn't screw up colouring hair black...


My new haircut...pretty big change huh? JY was saying how she can predict what Michael's gonna say about my fringe...

JY stayed over at my place since we played around with her 88-colour eye makeup palette till quite late, so we had little sleep that morning. Woke up pretty early for breakfast and off to Kallang where I had my first tuition session with Trevor and Trixie after a month's break. Hopefully, Trixie's friend would be able to join her for tuition as well and I'll have additional income without having to fork out more time... Having too many students would be too tiring when school starts and I'm doing both Trevor and Trixie because they're siblings and their very nice mother offered to have me teach them an hour each twice a week instead of the usual 1.5 hours. She's so super nice and hospitable. =))
After that, JY and I walked over to Geylang for lunch. Super hot day, used condoms on the ground, and DOMs staring at you, simply got on my nerves. But we finally found a place where food was abit pricey but pretty good. After lunch, we travelled down to Bugis where Maggie wanted to get her headphones. Super expensive but nice headphones. I'm jealous! Lol.


Went to the gym in the morning with Maggie, and had our very nice and long bath after that. For the first time in the week, I stayed at home after lunch. Wasted the rest of my day watching videos. Wahahaha. This is life!

Dinner at 85 market with JY and QQ. QQ brought his new maltese along! I'm naming him Red Tea...so it'll be convenient for him when he wants to call both Red Tea and Green Tea to him =)) At first when I carried Red Tea, he just kept trembling and we were afraid that he might be afraid of Beauty when they come over to my house. In the end, Red Tea was so hyper at my place and he kept barking and irritated Beauty instead, so much so that she ended up barking at him at the end of the day. My dad said that black and white dogs just don't mix, and my response was "racist arh?". Why does racism occur among dogs as well?
After playing with the dogs, the three of us went into my room to attempt abit of guitar practice. In the end, Jy didn't really learn to play. I think there just wasn't enough time for proper practise...and perhaps it's just QQ who is not teaching properly. Lol! Maggie, we need you to teach JY.
So adorable!

Stuck inside QQ's bag....

...And being carried around in his bag.

Met up with JH for dinner after 2 weeks of ignoring him. Lol!


Pool with JH at Parkway! Had not been pooling since exam period...even after countless practice, I'm still as horrible at pool as I was before. Sigh! Anybody wanna go play pool with me? I need loads of practice! Or better still, I want a pool table for Christmas! Lol!

JY and I went to Yum Cha Restaurant for our dim sum brunch. Yum! We had siew mai and char siew bao, chicken wrapped in paper thingy, xiao long bao, prawn dumplings and spicy dumplings. I love the prawn dumplings! The char siew bao and spicy dumplings were pretty good too. But other than that, I think the food is quite mediocre and is overpriced. We shall look for more dim sum places to visit! And maybe go HongKong and make Michael bring us to "yum cha" every morning! Yummy!
After a very filling breakfast, we shopped at Chinatown. Found many places that sold cheap, branded perfume. Then we spent hours shopping for Swaroski crystals...and many pretty charms for handcraft, to make a couple of Christmas presents! We're going to make them tomorrow at my place...I hope it'll turn out pretty!
After shopping, I met up with Maggie at Cineleisure for our GCO gathering. We watched Bolt and had a buffet dinner in the function room after that. Bolt is sooooooo cute and the movie is quite funny..but Maggie and I were utterly appalled to find out that Bolt, an adorable furry dog, is voiced by John Travolta. Zomg. Dinner after that was...pretty awkward. We're just not very close to the other GCOs to havoc around. Food was pretty ok though, and lucky draw prizes were ipod shuffles! Neither of us won though. Lol.
Food, glorious food!
Nice function room all to ourselves!
Maggie and me!
Ningzhi, Maggie and me
It's a public holiday so JH and I decided to stay at home and watch movies online over a tub of B&J's. We had breakfast then went grocery shopping. After that, we returned to my place where I cooked the bit of linguine with cabonara sauce from the previous time and toasted JY's favourite CP Mexican wings! Too bad she can't have them coz JH and I ate up all of them. Lol! We also shared half a tub of Dublin Mudslide! Yummy-ness!! I love JH Ben and Jerry! I shall secretly gobble up the rest of the tub over the week. =X

JH and I =))

Irish Cream Liqueur Ice Cream with Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies and Coffee Fudge Swirl. Am I tempting you already?

P.S 06S04ians, I sent you guys an email about the Christmas party. Check it out and reply soon, yeah? Can't wait for it! Wheee!

Monday, December 8, 2008

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

$%#$*%@^!!?! ♥

Guys are fucking assholes. Every single one of them.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

5 weeks of freedom!! ♥

To answer Michael's question as to where I have been, I can now declare I'm finally done with the very first semester of university life! I'm done with my dreaded exams! 5 whole weeks of total freedom! Woots!

Pschology's 100 freaking MCQs and 5 short ans questions deep-fried my brains on my very first exam day. Next was Sociology's 3 essays which caused every nerve in my poor right hand to die as well. And today is both the English and Southeast Asia papers, and I'm a freeeeee girrrrllll!!!! There's an extensive to-do list of how I wanna spend my holidays and so my dearest friends, you guys are gonna be so busy for the next 5 weeks. Wahahahha!

Then again, I'm resuming tuition for Trevor and his sis. Lol. Anyways, Trevor got back his PSLE results and he's happy with them so I'm happy for him too. He can go to SOTA and play his violin! Wheee! I feel accomplished =))

Anyways, even though I was supposed to prepare for exams, I spent much time working at concerts too =X Couldn't help myself. It's such a pity that Kylie Minogue's concert is on the same day as my first paper so I couldn't work. I saw much of her news over the past couple of days reporting of her fans' aniticipation and excitement, which only served to rub it in my open bleeding wounds. Nonetheless, I had my fair share of good concerts before that.

First of all was Rihanna's concert! Hmm...in an objective critique of the show, the mega star who was fashionably late would have started off with a big bang if not for a minor glitch - her stupid mic didn't work. So her near full-house stadium full of fans didn't get to hear her sing in the first song. Instead, we got to see her get real pissed, stomping to the side and scolding the production crew and of course, the tactless camera people captured all the glory for the fans to see. They could have focused on the backup singers, the super duper awesome bassist and guitarists or even the damn pretty strobe lights, but no, they preferred a shot of Rihanna dissing her crew. Anyways, I guess I'll be damn pissed if a million bucks is spent on such nice stageworks, strobe lights and lasers, and yet not get a good sound system. The show was a super short one too. I had to leave the place after 45 mins when Take a Bow came on and the next thing I know, Umbrella was on, and I know that it was the last song. I was so sad I had to leave after 45 mins and then it was the last song already 0_o

Nonetheless, the hour-long show was still pretty awesome. The entire setup of the stage and damn nice expensive lightings was totally her style in my opinion, and the ambience gets you super high. Old caucasian uncles with pot bellies were dirty dancing at the balcony, and of course, I was nice enough not to laugh. I wanna dance to her music too! I love the fact that they made an effort to rearrange the music such that it's something new and not taken directly off the album. Although she didn't do alot of singing, her presence and her showing her attitude while singing was just enough to get through the concert. She's 20 and she's having a bloody world tour! And she's soooo hot, enough to make up for the absence of Chris Brown.

Next was KPop Nite. I had expected it to be boring for me since I have little interest in Korean Pop. Honestly, the Korean girls mostly look all the same to me...maybe they went to the same plastic surgeon. (I don't know why I'm in such a critical mood today, so fans of whoever, please don't get offended.) Anyway, they're all hot so it's good for eye candy. Found out at SEA class that Johari was there too, rooting for Wondergirls. They're this popular girl band who's supposedly very hot. Well, their performance was quite nice that night... And then this band caught my attention. I heard they're one of those popular ones people are supporting that night and when I first saw them, I thought they just look gay. And 2PM started singing and dancing...

Seriously, they can sing and dance, unlike a certain *cough*KOne*cough* (Jy's gonna scream at me).

Just watch this and imagine it live!

They have nice voices and awesome dance moves! Every member has got talent and they're not just a pretty face, and I like the way they make good use of their large numbers by coming up with great cheoreography. And the best thing was, the ushers were supposed to walk pass the artistes' rooms that night to go back to our room, and 2PM was standing just outside their rooms and begin bowing and thanking us in Korean as we passed. Zomg....

Finally was Disney Live: 3 Classic Fairy Tales....I watched the show thrice! I also did premiere ushering for the first time of my life. I became more of a child-booster-seat-delivery-woman and was kept so busy the entire time, I could hardly watch the show that day...but I think I enjoyed my job that day, and felt very much accomplished. As for the show, it's a children's show so there wasn't real singing. The stage props were very nice though, the way they made the backdrop and stairs move around and manipulate a small stage to become different settings. Much thought was put in as well to mask the stage when Cinderella changed her gown and when the Beast become a prince. I thought the use of the veil to create a misty atmosphere and the way the lights were made blinding when shone on the veil was very smart. I was also made to hold the door for the 3 princesses and Mickey one evening, and Belle is so polite and really princess-y, and Mickey is just plain cute and friendly. =))

I'm too lazy to type anymore. I wrote 3 freaking essays on Southeast Asia today, so I have no more energy... A bientot!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥