It had been a while since I last spent quality time with mummy. Shopping for lingerie (extremely cute knickers! Which I obviously shouldn't be giving too much information on) and shoes today, and had some chatting session over dinner. Even though I treated her to dinner, she probably spent so much more on me while we shopped around. She still ended up with nothing to wear on Chinese New Year's day. Though sometimes my parents really irritate the hell out of me, there are times when they are super sweet and these acts of care and concern really makes me feel guilty. A parent's love for his/her child is so great and selfless, yet their love is often not reciprocated, or under appreciated.
They tuck us into bed when we were young and covered us with a blanket when we were cold. They rush home from work and stay up all night next to us when we're running a fever. They leave the best foods for us, spend most generously on us, and slog their guts out so that they can to send us to college. Yet how many of us do actually return such favours? I wonder why a parent's love can be so unconditional. Even though I don't express it much, I love you, dear mum and dad.
When we got home, we had the urge to flip through our old photo albums that were piled up in the old abandoned cupboard to collect dust. My dad and sis joined us and we spent a good couple of hours flipping through dozens of albums and laughing at our own photos. My sis and I found out that my dad was such an ah beng (hippy, my dad says) in his younger days, and that he was actually really very shuai and had lots of hair. Lol. The four of us broke out in hysterical laughter when we chanced upon this photo where my mum had an "afro". And my sis and I realised what posers we were when we were young. We must have been instructed to pose like that. There is no way we are capable of such poses if we were not forced to do so.
I wonder what it would be like to go back to the past. Perhaps I would get a second chance at many things that I would have liked to change. For instance, my ridiculous bangs at around the age of five. I would probably be a more outgoing person if I had not been such a shy little girl. Maybe I would not lose some friends that I might not have lost if things were done right, or if I could have been as studious as I was in lower primary, I might find myself in Medicine school right now... I wish I had a time machine that can take me back in time.
Then again, I would not be where I am today and might not have gone through the experiences I had gone through nor meet the wonderful friends I have today. Perhaps I should wish that I have a time machine that can take me back in time, and return to the present in case I screw things up along the way =))
I don't know what I'm saying, to be honest. Just a random, pointless rant I guess. Philosophy has kinda left me with permanent brain damage. I get really lost midway reading Plato's dialogue between Socrates and Euthyphro, or however you spell his name, sometimes. I just hope I don't screw it up with a C grade like what SK had warned about.
Enough ranting. Have a Happy Chinese New Year everybody, regardless of where you are!
P.S I'm soooo in love with Whose Line Is It Anyway these days, so I'm gonna recommend some episodes. Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles are such ingenious people. <3!
Who cares about Smurf-coloured shoes? Ryan is still awesome.
This clip shows the cast insulting each other in an episode of Hollywood directors where they act out a scene, impromtu.
2 audiences are picked to do sound effects while Colin and Ryan act out what Drew says. The 2 cute old ladies are so sporting. Lol.
Watch this.
And my all time favourite game,
Scenes From A Hat.
Things you can say to your dog but not your girlfriend was really well done. Colin is just soooo sick in the mind, but so super funny. And he got the ball rolling for sick ideas... ingenious people to come up with all these impromtu.
Come! Ewww. Lol!