The past few days had been totally emotional. My mum just came to me one fine day and hugged me and cried. Found out that my sister had told her that she wanted to convert to christianity. I thought I could talk to her as a big sister and change her mind, but I was wrong. Thoroughly wrong and disappointed by the fact. That night had been a total cold war between my mum and my sis and I was totally stuck in between. I understand my mum's stand, and I understand my sister's point of view, but there was no way I could make them understand each other.
The next day, my dad found out about it and kept nagging at me about her and I kept trying to explain things for her. When she got back, my dad scolded her for coming home so late (which wasn't really that late) so I went to her room to talk to her again just so she knows that she wasn't alone, and that I'm on her side too. All I wanted was for her to compromise with my parents and not go against their wishes. Then I started breaking down. I was really tired of being stuck in the middle. My sis is at fault for persisting, my parents are at fault for not understanding. Me? All I did was try to act the role of a big sister, and a filial daughter, and here I am, receiving the brunt of everything while they remained at cold war with each other. My mum came in and asked why I was crying and after awhile of pretending nothing was wrong, I finally relented and had an outburst. I don't want them at war, I don't want them to go on like this, I don't want to be caught in between. I cried harder than I ever did in all my life, even harder than the night of the incident. My mum begging my sis, and my sis being in such a dilemma was just heartwrenching and seeing my mum collapse just made me cry harder in pain and beg her not to be like this. I tried to hug my sister while she cried alone to let her know that she wasn't alone, but I didn't know what else to do...for the first time, it felt like she is segregated from the rest of us. In the end, the 3 of us just sat in the dark and cried and couldn't say anything when my dad demanded to know what was wrong.
All is well now but I'm afraid it would happen in future again. It happened before but it hadn't been that bad because we were young and didn't dare make our stand. I believe in God but this just makes me hate Christianity and now I truly see why religion can break up a family.
Anyways, I'm just ranting. On a happier note, Saturday had been the harmonious union of Michael Kraal and Pearline Poon. Congratulations Mr and Mrs Kraal! Pearline jie's wedding was held at Beaufort Hotel at Sentosa! The number of guests were not too many but the wedding had been a grand affair nonetheless. I love the garden outside the ballroom where their ceremony had taken place. To cater to the Caucasian in-laws, the dinner was mostly western and buffet style. There were many classy appetisers, great barbeque meat and seafood by the chefs on the spot, and wonderful desserts! There was creme brulee, tiramisu, passionfruit and orange yoghurt shot (which is erm...sour!), chocolate cakes, bread pudding and big pear tarts (which were sooooo good!). We did a traditional chinese yumseng and a traditional western bouquet toss, I can see that effort was made to make it both traditional and westernised. There were no gimmicks nor long speeches and was a simple but beautiful wedding.
The best part of the wedding would be the awesome photographer and the service. The photographer would take loads of candid photos which are instantly flashed on the screen (the wonders of technology!) and all his photos are lovely! The newly-wedded couple in the garden with the sunset and tall palm trees as the backdrop, a single shiny prawn made to stick out of a bed of ice, little Marc Ryan eating noodles that trailed all over the table with his hand, our big smiles when we saw Janine's spastic photo on the screen....all of these were captured wonderfully with his little gadget. Seriously, the photos taken in this single event is sufficient to make up his entire portfolio. He is very funny too, and he kept taking candid shots of us. I love the part when the couple came to our table and Pearline jie made us all spontaneously do a funny face, and we all actually did one in the count of three. That photo was so spontaneous and everyone looked so happy, it made all the aunties and uncles laugh at us silly cousins. The services were good too, because they actually printed little photos for us! Very generous, and made the event a memorable one for the guests as well as the bride and groom. Hopefully, I can get my hands on the photos soon, since I only managed to get a couple printed.
Appetisers... I love the mandarin orange and duck salad. It sounds like a weird combination but it tasted really good.

Barbequed stingray, lobsters, chicken, steak, garoupa. Seafood noodles, veggies, baked potatoes. Yum!
White roses and candlelights!

They love outdoor weddings! This is their victory dance.

The "kids" group of cousins... Lol! Yeah. I belong there...
The See family sisters. Normal on the outside....

Really spastic on the inside.
Suki sushi cum HSM3 movie cum studying outing with Maggie was on Thursday. Did I mention I loooove sushi? Well, I really really love sushi!

Look at how much I ate!

Actually, it's a total of how much we both ate. Which is still alot! Lol!

This is how Maggie looks when you try to steal her sushi.
High School Musical 3 is a pretty good musical movie. The choreography is so much more professional this time round. Great movie for Troyella fans. Sadly, I'm not very fond of Vanessa Hudgens. Also, I thought that the storyline was a tad disappointing because the movie touched on many issues and raised many problems but was too slipshod when it came to solving all of them. After the movie was us going over to Gloria Jean's to mug attempt abit of studying.

Strawberries 'n' Cream, Mixed Berries smoothie. Slurp!
Maggie and meee! And my new Omnia! Wahahahhaha! (I sat on a motorbike and risked my life to get my Omnia okay?)

Studied with Maggie at Mac's today and had our Kid's Meal again. I can't believe S04 ppl used to think it's embarrassing for us to eat them. Anyways, we got Madagascar toys! Even Mac's toys are so super high tech these days. It's motion sensored! It goes "I like to move it" whenever I shake my toy. Wahahaha. So cute! I wanna watch Madagascar2! Hope it'll wait for me till after my exams. As usual, studying sessions became a chitchat session and we were discussing totally heavy issues, ihavenoideawhy. I feel old.
JH called me today! Finally! His sis told me that his mum is going to activate his autoroaming but that toot only read his message today. Call time was only 9.36mins though. Lol! But it's good to hear from him after a week. Hope everything just goes well for the next 2 weeks and he'll be back safe and sound!
Talking about safe and sound, I feel mentally unsound right now. I watched about 5 or 6 totally disturbing videos during Psych tutorial and Disha and I feels super disturbed by what we saw. Those experiments and prank calls can manipulate people in such scary ways...Crap. I think I have an utterly evil side inside of me too. I donch want! =((
I realise my paragraphs are random and does not flow well, I have no sense of structure or whatsoever. My spoken Chinese has a funny accent, written English is horrendous and my French is like.....Ahhhhh! What happened to language being an innate ability?! Le sigh.